Wednesday, August 15, 2012

EISA announces mobile device awards, HTC and Samsung among winners

Android Central

The EISA (European Imaging Sound Association) has revealed its mobile device award winners for 2012-13, and two leading Android manufacturers have found themselves among the winners.  Samsung’s Galaxy S III (Galaxy S3) won best mobile device, an unsurprising win given the hype surrounding that device, and the quality Samsung’s been able to bring across the board. Elsewhere, HTC has been honored by the  EISA for the second year running, with the HTC One S winning the “Social Media Phone of 2012-13” award, the company has announced. The accolade was awarded to HTC’s keyboard-toting Facebook phone, the ChaCha, in 2011.

The EISA is group made up of representatives of multimedia magazines from 19 European countries. Each year they honor the best products in certain categories with their annual awards. Another of this year’s notable mobile winner was Nokia, with its PureView Pro imaging technology (Best Mobile Photo Achievement).

HTC was the first Android manufacturer to integrate direct social media functionality in its HTC Sense software, something it’s continued in phones like the HTC One S, powered by the latest Sense 4.x. We also imagine the One S’s sleek design and exemplary build quality played some part in the phone’s victory in this category. As we noted in our full review back in April, the One S’s thin aluminum chassis means it looks great and fits easily in the hand.

Samsung, on the other hand, has already convinced millions of consumers that its Galaxy S3is the best phone on the market, as it’s sold more than 10 million of the devices worldwide. As we said in our review of the device back in May, the S3 represents a near-ideal balance of hardware, build quality, aesthetics and battery life.

For more on the HTC One S and Samsung Galaxy S3, check out our full reviews.




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