Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Vinyl Masters: 4 Turntables Tested and Rated

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Basics & Buying Advice

The Basics

How is this not just a fad?
Even casual listeners can hear how much richer vinyl sounds than MP3s or CDs. Digital recordings are, well, digital; they're strings of 1s and 0s. Numbers can't trail off. At some point, they have to stop. Analog playback allows sounds to fade naturally, for more depth and nuance. The vinyl resurgence is a response to audiophiles whose demands just can't be met by digital playback.

Aren't turntables noisier than digital audio?
You know that white-noise rumble you hear when the needle is between songs? That's the accumulation of motor buzz, vibrations in the tone arm, and friction between the needle and record. Digital audio doesn't have that. So, yes, vinyl can be noisier, especially if the disc is dirty or cracked. But modern turntables with high-end styluses and belt drives that isolate the motor all but eliminate hum. We played each song in our test on vinyl, CD, and MP3. Vinyl won every time.

Have records gotten any better?
Now that records are produced in smaller batches, more care goes into their manufacturing. Full-size albums generally weigh between 180 and 220 grams, double what they weighed 30 years ago. And where yesterday's discs were often pressed from recycled vinyl, many new records are imprinted on virgin, archival stock. This adds up to improved fidelity and a longer shelf life -- a century is realistic for discs that have been properly handled.

Buying Advice

Unless you plan on working as a DJ, go for a belt drive. Lightweight turntable bases, called plinths, can deliver better sound (it has to do with resonant frequencies and mass), but they're more susceptible to vibration. If you can't isolate your record player from shaky floors or jostling, you'll want something with a heavier build. And if you like the idea of digitally archiving your vinyl, look for models with USB ports.

Photos by Greg Broom/Wired
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Source: http://www.wired.com/reviews/2012/06/turntables/


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