Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This Father’s Day, Celebrate National GeekDad Day Instead

For so long, the stereotype of Father’s Day has been that dads who don’t spend enough time with their kids normally HAVE to do something with them, and get a tie in return. These days, dads (especially GeekDads) are equal partners in parenthood, so guilting us into spending quality family time with the kids really isn’t necessary. As such, we’re stepping up and taking over the holiday, using our finely honed maker skills, and repurposing it into something new: National GeekDad Day. As you can read on the National GeekDad Day landing page:

Grab your safety glasses and your kids, we’re taking over Father’s Day! Enough with crazy ties and soggy brunches, celebrate the holiday like you’ve always wanted to — with cool activities and experiments picked by WIRED just for families like yours. These projects will help you jumpstart a lifelong love of science and technology for your kids. Plus, everyone learns how to make their own fun.

We are urging folks to host GeekDad Day events at home, on their blocks, or in their towns using the handy guide that’s been prepared. There are even a number of awesome projects hosted on the GeekDad Community Site you can use for your own parties. You can register the number of people for your event on the landing page (so we can all feel the geek-mentum), and if you want to make your event a public affair, stop by the GeekDad Community site and add it to the Events log. If you can’t pull that off, then you can stop by one of many metropolitan science museums that will be holding events.

So please, check out all the information, and help us change the face of Father’s Day!


Celebrating GeekDad Day

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Source: http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2012/05/celebrate-national-geekdad-day-instead/


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