Friday, June 8, 2012

10 Things Parents Should Know About Prometheus

Prometheus © 21st Century Fox

Prometheus © 21st Century Fox

1. Is it a prequel to Alien or not?

It is. While it does not have any of the same characters as Alien and happens decades, if not centuries, before the events in Alien, it is most definitely a prequel to Alien. Most of the action in the movie takes place at the same place the ill-fated crew of the Nostromo will eventually land, and Prometheus literally sets the stage for what Ripley and crew will eventually encounter.

The "Space Jockey" from Alien © 21st Century Fox

The "Space Jockey" from Alien © 21st Century Fox

In fact, it was the H.R. Giger-designed scenes in Alien that inspired Sir Ridley Scott (who did Alien but not Aliens), especially one cyclopean fossilized character known as the “Space Jockey.” According to Scott, “something that had stayed with me ever since Alien, was the mystery behind it. Who was he? Where was he from? What was his mission? What kind of technology would his kind possess? I thought those questions could provide a springboard for even larger ideas.”

2. What is it all about?

Archeologists Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace of Girl With a Dragon Tattoo fame) and Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce) lead an expedition to a planet hinted at in ancient recordings, believing that they will find the origins of humanity. What they find is a series of ancient alien buildings with a deep mystery inside. Did I mention they are archeologists? The band of investigators quickly breaks with the first commandment of scary movies — Thou shalt not split up — and then their problems really begin.

3. Do I have to have seen Alien first?

No. Prometheus is a completely self-contained movie. At a guess, I think that’s why they decided to downplay the whole prequel thing. After Tron: Legacy, the studios caught on that audiences may be put off if they think they have to see a 30+ year old movie first.

If you have seen Alien, though, Prometheus locks neatly into place, clearing up many of the mysteries left by the good ship Nostromo.

4. Is it too scary for kids?

It is rated R, and there are some tense moments, some frightening moments, and some gory moments but, honestly, this movie is not a gore fest. Instead, this is cosmic horror at its best, as the crew (and the audience) gradually learns the true nature of humanity, there is a growing sense that all is not right in the universe. In this day and age of Saw I–XXIX, it’s the existential concepts in Prometheus more than the splatter effects that are likely to upset innocent minds.

5. Will I like it?

Yes. You may or may not like it as much as Alien but it is an awesomely solid sci-fi flick, and a visual thrill to watch. It reminds me both structurally and stylistically of a lot of the European science-fiction comics the United States gets through Heavy Metal magazine by creators like Moebius, Luis Royo, and Serpieri.

Scott doesn’t initially stray too far from the character formula of Alien (and Aliens for that matter) of a group mixed with cynics and idealists who have to work together for their survival. But providing us with seemingly familiar characters allows him to get more quickly into the story and then broaden those characters beyond the cliché.

Ridley Scott at the Helm

Ridley Scott at the helm

6. How was the 3-D?

Stunning. I highly recommend seeing this film with the added dimension at least once. Scott shot the entire film for 3-D and it shows in the storytelling. No, this doesn’t mean that there are monsters popping off the screen at every turn, but rather that he makes use of a sense of extended space that wouldn’t be possible in flatland. This happens in obvious ways when characters are interacting with holographs (3-D in 3-D) but also in far more subtle ways throughout the movie when Scott wants to create cavernous effects and then pulls back to evoke claustrophobia. Fortunately, the theater I saw Prometheus in was using passive 3-D technology, which makes for a much better experience than active 3-D.

7. Will it be the next summer blockbuster?

It’s hard to say. There has been a lot of hype, and it’s a great movie that works at a lot of levels. But, remember that Blade Runner was not a huge success the summer it was released. Critics generally panned it or ignored it. Science fiction has come a long way in 30 years, though, and this is not a movie that will be easily dismissed.

8. When is the best time for a bathroom break?

Go before entering the theater, and then don’t drink anything. Seriously, once the movie gets going it doesn’t really slow down. And the one bit where things seem to calm down? Well, I wouldn’t want to miss what happens next while I was drying my hands.

9. Will there be a sequel?

Whether there is a sequel or not will depend on the box office receipts over the next few weeks. Without giving away too much, this movie is set up for a sequel. Prometheus answers a lot of questions we might have had about Alien, but it gives us just as many new mysteries to ponder.

10. Will I want to see it again?

I know I do. As with many of Scott’s movies, the world he creates is so lush and full of detail, it’s all but impossible to take it in in a single viewing.



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